Ginger is one powerful little root! It has been used for centuries and has long been viewed as a healing plant. In an article by Susan Biali, it mentions that Confucius claimed never to eat a meal without ginger. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, ginger has been used in healing and prevention for thousands of years.
Ginger is an amazing herb with many healing powers, helping with; appetite, arthritis, cellulite, pneumonia, colds, sea sickness, nausea, preventing blood clots and increasing circulation. While all of these benefits of ginger are amazing, the one that is most impressive is its heart health benefits. One of the biggest problems in the United States is heart disease, and ginger can play a role in helping to prevent and heal issues of the heart. Ginger helps with blood pressure, cholesterol regulation, increased circulation and overall heart health.
Due to its help with increasing circulation, ginger is also used to treat Reynaud’s syndrome. Reynaud’s causes a person’s fingers, toes and nose turn blue due to lack of blood flow to warm the extremities when they are cold. This increase in blood flow to the extremities allowing the blood to warm the body. Increased blood flow also has other effects, such as prevention of arteriosclerosis, by preventing blood clotting. It also stimulates the heart and allows for cleansing of the body through perspiration.
A study done at the Babol University of Medical Sciences did a double blind placebo study on the effects of ginger on cholesterol levels. Of the 85 people in the study, 45 in the treatment group, 40 in the placebo group, there was a much larger reduction in LDL levels of the treatment group. The researchers concluded “the results show that ginger has a significant lipid lowering effect compared to placebo.” With the quickly rising number of people on cholesterol and heart medications, it is a wonder why more people aren’t made more aware of the incredible healing powers of a commonly used herb.
While this herb does have many health benefits, it should be used with some caution. People with peptic ulcers should avoid using ginger as it may aggravate the condition. Ginger should be used in moderation in any treatment regimen. If you are under a physician’s care, consult them before adding this to your regimen.
Unlike many other healing herbs, ginger is very easy to find. Ginger can be found in the produce section of your local grocery store and is quite simple to add to a daily meal plan. If using fresh ginger is not the avenue you wish to take there are other options such as ginger tea, which can be found in the tea section of any grocery store. Also, many supplement companies have realized the benefits of ginger and are now selling it in capsules and powdered form. Whether it’s for prevention or to help manage an existing problem, this is a low cost and natural option.