How to take Stress Personality Type Quiz:

  1. The quiz identifies your Stress Type based on ancient, Ayurvedic Wisdom
  2. There are few questions in total with five options under each question
  3. Each page has questions related to your unique Brain Stress Type
  4. Choose the options which matches you

Things to note before taking the quiz:

  1. If you have any challenges answering the questions, please ask a close friend, family member or significant other to get the best assessment of your true nature. At times it is hard to assess ourselves, so asking for support from others can help us see ourselves more clearly
  2. You can take the quiz many times as you would like. Our system changes during different times of stress. Feel free to share with family and friends so you can all learn about each others stress patterns.

Things to note before taking the quiz:

  1. It is important to imagine yourself in a stressful situation or in time of conflict. Which responses best describe your patterns. Consider asking a close friend, family, or significant other to get the best assessment of your true nature when out of alignment
  2. Rate based on frequency and intensity. It is your number, make it meaningful to you.

Let’s Begin Stress Personality Type Quiz
