Stress Reduction Coaching
Align your Brains. Align your Life ™
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Here’s how can i help
Stress reduction coaching
Get Success by knowing your personality type
Master your migraine program
Private coaching intensives
Master class to learn the 5 Steps to Creating Balance
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An award-winning, board-certified neurologist, Dr. Gokani has dedicated her life to developing a unique blend of modern medicine and ancient philosophy.
By melding these approaches. she’s become a highly sought after speaker and health coach sharing holistic wellness strategies with larger-than-Iife media personalities like Dr. Oz and global pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer.
She is best known for her revolutionary integrative approach to treating migraine, one of the most disabling neurological conditions.

One book. Thousands of years of wisdom.
When most people hear the word “disease,” they think of something deadly, uncontrollable and swift – like cancer. But today’s Americans are facing an epidemic of “dis-ease”. Of simply feeling unwell and unable to embrace the lives they want to lead.
If you find yourself looking in the mirror with thoughts of, “What happened to the strong, vibrant person I was in my teens, 20s or 30s? Where has she gone, and how do I get her back?”, my book may just change your life.
Dr. Gokani on the Dr. Oz Show
Finding your Inner Calm
Tapping into your Subconscious mind to Heal your Body
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Videos Featuring
Dr Gokani
Watch More VideosDr. Gokani Podcasts
What Does My Gut Have to Do with My Migraine?
A Neurologist’s Perspective: Using the 3 Brain Model & Botanicals to Create Health & Prosperity
This interview is part of the Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.

Jen Weigel delves into deep conversation with Dr. Gokani on pain, digestion, why we suffer, connection and spirituality.
Exploring Ayurveda and Yoga:
Conversation between Akasha Founder Devdas & Dr. Gokani
Success Stories
The above statements are truthful statements from real clients. They did not receive compensation for sharing these statements. These testimonials are not a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your particular situation. Their results do not imply that you will have the same or similar experience or results as shared here. Each result can be substantiated. These testimonials are shared purely to educate and inform you about the nature of my work. Please use your own judgment before enrolling in our programs or using our products, and be sure to also consult with your own medical practitioners about any medical issues or conditions you may be experiencing.